
Streamlining Data Integration for Cloud X Markets

Client: Cloud X Markets

Industry: Finance and Banking for M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions)


Cloud X Markets, a prominent software company specializing in high-yield digital and cloud portfolio management, acts as a catalyst in the financial world. With a focus on Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), Cloud X Markets assists Venture Capital and Private Equity firms in identifying promising investment opportunities. The success of Cloud X Markets relies on the swift acquisition, consolidation, and analysis of data from various sources, including PitchBook, Bloomberg, and Crunchbase.

The Challenge

Cloud X Markets recognized the pressing need to improve the efficiency of its data integration processes. The company’s M&A team frequently relied on complex, time-consuming methods to gather data from a multitude of sources. This approach hindered the team’s ability to respond promptly to rapidly changing market dynamics.

The Solution

Cloud X Markets turned to EazyDI, a leading data integration platform. Working closely with Cloud X Markets’ owner, Brandon Bruce, EazyDI developed a customized data integration strategy to streamline the collection and consolidation of crucial data from diverse sources.

Key Benefits

Simplified Data Integration:

EazyDI connected seamlessly to PitchBook, Bloomberg, Crunchbase, and other relevant data sources, simplifying the process of importing and unifying data.

Time Savings:

The M&A team at Cloud X Markets experienced significant time savings, enabling them to focus on more strategic aspects of their work. Data that previously took hours to compile was now available within minutes.

Improved Accuracy:

EazyDI’s automated data integration ensured that the data collected was accurate and consistent, reducing the risk of errors in financial analysis.

Enhanced Decision-Making:

Cloud X Markets’ M&A team benefited from quicker access to vital data, enabling them to make well-informed investment decisions based on real-time market insights.


EazyDI’s collaboration with Cloud X Markets simplified the data integration process, resulting in improved efficiency and accuracy for the company’s M&A activities. By automating data collection and providing timely access to comprehensive data from various sources, EazyDI empowered Cloud X Markets to enhance its decision-making and compete more effectively in the fast-paced world of high-yield digital and cloud portfolio management.

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you handle data integration?
is here to transform your experience, providing a powerful solution for syncing data effortlessly.